Patricia Bourque

Patricia Bourque and her husband Abe created Turtle Hill Productions in the late Eighties, building on the momentum of sold-out exhibitions in Montreal, Canada. The company is named after the many turtles that come up the hill in June to lay their eggs on the lawn of their Vermont cottage. 

They began touring with high-end art shows throughout the United States and Canada. While participating in a Connecticut show, a Danbury Mint agent asked her to do a series of golden retriever dog paintings. Bourque says, “That eventually rolled into 10 years of work,” and led to her paintings featured on candles, stained glass lamps, blankets, jewelry boxes, and more.  Bourque has won awards in international competitions. Her paintings have toured museums and galleries, and her work has been featured in books and magazines. Bourque has been commissioned to do portraits of many prominent people. Her paintings of CEOs are hanging in the National Bank

“Nothing is more touching to me as an artist than seeing someone brought to tears as their memories unfurl while looking at some of my outdoor hockey scenes,” Bourque says. “Never did I get so much publicity as when Costco magazine did a small feature on my artwork. Go figure.”

Bourque lives with her husband of fifty-two years and their neurotic but enthusiastic dog, Benji.